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Kepler Object of Interest Network I. First results combining ground and space-based observations of Kepler systems with transit timing variations

机译:开普勒感兴趣的对象网络I.第一个结果结合地面和   具有传输时序变化的开普勒系统的空基观测



During its four years of photometric observations, the Kepler space telescopedetected thousands of exoplanets and exoplanet candidates. One of Kepler'sgreatest heritages has been the confirmation and characterization of hundredsof multi-planet systems via Transit Timing Variations (TTVs). However, thereare many interesting candidate systems displaying TTVs on such long time scalesthat the existing Kepler observations are of insufficient length to confirm andcharacterize them by means of this technique. To continue with Kepler's uniquework we have organized the "Kepler Object of Interest Network" (KOINet). Thegoals of KOINet are, among others, to complete the TTV curves of systems whereKepler did not cover the interaction timescales well. KOINet has beenoperational since March, 2014. Here we show some promising first resultsobtained from analyzing seven primary transits of KOI-0410.01, KOI-0525.01,KOI-0760.01, and KOI-0902.01 in addition to Kepler data, acquired during thefirst and second observing seasons of KOINet. While carefully choosing thetargets we set demanding constraints about timing precision (at least 1 minute)and photometric precision (as good as 1 part per thousand) that were achievedby means of our observing strategies and data analysis techniques. ForKOI-0410.01, new transit data revealed a turn-over of its TTVs. We carried outan in-depth study of the system, that is identified in the NASA's DataValidation Report as false positive. Among others, we investigated agravitationally-bound hierarchical triple star system, and a planet-starsystem. While the simultaneous transit fitting of ground and space-based dataallowed for a planet solution, we could not fully reject the three-starscenario. New data, already scheduled in the upcoming 2018 observing season,will set tighter constraints on the nature of the system.
机译:开普勒太空望远镜在其四年的光度学观测中,探测了成千上万的系外行星和系外行星候选者。开普勒最伟大的遗产之一是通过运输时间变化(TTV)对数百个多行星系统进行确认和表征。但是,有许多有趣的候选系统以如此长的时间显示TTV,以至于现有的开普勒观测资料的长度不足以通过这种技术来确认和表征它们。为了继续开普勒的独特工作,我们组织了“开普勒兴趣对象网络”(KOINet)。 KOINet的目标之一是完成系统的TTV曲线,在这些系统中,Kepler不能很好地涵盖交互时间尺度。 KOINet自2014年3月以来一直在运行。在这里,我们显示了通过分析在第一和第二个观测季节获得的开普勒数据以及KOI-0410.01,KOI-0525.01,KOI-0760.01和KOI-0902.01的七个主要过境而获得的一些有希望的初步结果。 KOINet。在仔细选择目标的同时,我们设置了严格的计时精度(至少1分钟)和光度精度(达到千分之1)的约束,这些约束是通过我们的观测策略和数据分析技术实现的。对于KOI-0410.01,新的过境数据显示了其TTV的营业额。我们对该系统进行了深入研究,在NASA的DataValidation报告中将其确定为误报。除其他外,我们研究了引力束缚的分层三重恒星系统和行星恒星系统。尽管同时进行地面和天基数据的过渡拟合可以提供行星解决方案,但我们不能完全拒绝三星级方案。在即将到来的2018观测季节已经排定的新数据将对系统的性质设置更严格的约束。


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